Saturday, August 7, 2010

On Assignment Part 3

Hi Dad,
I spent about 2 hours talking to Ink tonight. Things have evolved so much since I wrote the last post about this.  I am amazed by the transformation in her.  Truly amazed.  I told her tonight that I was posting this story and that I told people she had been mean to me and that I was worried about it because I didn't want to hurt her.  She was so great.  "But I WAS mean to you Becky," she said.  And I told her, "I know, but the Lord has also given me eyes to see how much oppression you were under.  And since that time you have been so amazing."  I told her that I didn't want to hurt her by pointing out her failures. I told her how much I admire her because every thing the Lord has asked of her to make situations right she has been obedient in.  She's been doing all the hard and humbling things.  She's poured herself into becoming a Godly woman full of the Spirit and is making hard and good choices over and over.  I told her she was making the choices that lead to people seeing a new depth of character, allowing her to build trust, and growing her in influence--which is true authority.  I've never seen such a 180 degree turn in a person.  It's truly a blessing to see.
So I'll share with you quickly that the e-mail I received from Ink that morning was a request to pray, and a request that I would let her know if the Lord gave me a word for her.  She and her family were under an enormous assault, circumstantially and spiritually, and she needed help.
I went to prayer for two hours.  The Lord did not give me one word, but four pages of notes.  Along with some specific directions.  I called Rev. Mary because I've never really been in the position where someone has ASKED me for this type of thing.  Often the Lord gives me words or insight or shows up when I am with others, but no one had ever had an expectation of me like this before.  And many of the things the Lord told me were quite personal.  So I didn't know if I should just pray about them or if I was to tell her. 
Rev. Mary said to me, "Becky, what did she ask you for?"  I said, "She asked me for a word from the Lord."  She replied, "Well then she asked for the prophet." 
Something in my universe sort of groaned at that point.  I knew she was right.  And I knew that was what the Lord had given her in me.  But I wasn't sure if I was ready to call it that.  I know, Dad, you don't like word.  It comes with so much baggage. 
But in its simplest form, the prophet is simply someone who speaks to people on behalf of God. 
Actually, Ink had asked me for the priest (someone who speaks to God on behalf of people) AND the prophet.  And I was given the task of ministering to her in both capacities. 
We talked  the next day and she told me that the Lord had told her to call me on Sunday night and she hadn't, and that later, she woke up in the middle of the night and in her words, "You were in my room." 
Of course, I wasn't, but God was making His point.  So she e-mailed me on Monday morning.  I met with her and her mother on Wednesday.  The Lord had directed me that I was to pray for her Spiritual Healing.  We talked for about two hours, and I knew when I was supposed to pray over her.  It happened very naturally and I knelt at her feet and held her hand.  As I prayed I could see the wounds in her spirit.  As I saw them, they opened up and she began crying these wrenching sobs, and then as I continued to pray I saw healing oil being poured into each wound.  And as I saw this her sobs subsided and she became calm.  We prayed for various things over quite some time, and then when we were done she looked at me with eyes wide and exclamed, "I want to be able to do that for people!"  I wasn't exactly sure what she was referring to, but she said, "At first when you began to pray for me I thought you were squeezing my hand really tight, but then I realized it was like a burning tingling sensation.  It traveled all the way up my arm and into my head.  Then I realized it was the Holy Spirit.  It was so amazing and healing and....I want to be able to do that for people!!!"
I had not felt the tingling or anything other than a firm grasp of her hand, but I knew that the Lord had answered the prayer I had prayed before I went in.  "Lord--Ink needs to know that these words are not from me, but from You.  So Your Spirit needs to bear witness to her.  Your Spirit must go with me so that my words do not come with human wisdom but with divine power.  And I told Ink that I hadn't done that for her that it was a work of the Holy Spirit through me, but that it WAS a blessing to be used by God to do such a beautiful work of healing in her life. 
Then I told her to be careful what she asked for.  She might think twice if she knew my path to this place.
A few days ago we had another conversation and she gave me a very comforting compliment. "You know," she said, "what you did the other day--it was different from a lot of other people who sort of have "prophetic" gifts.  It was so gentle and soothing.  A lot of people who seem have these gifts are well, arrogant, and abrasive." 
I nodded. "I know what you mean."  I told her.  "When I first started to understand what God was doing with me I fought it tooth and nail.  First of all, I didn't even believe in it.  Second, I had this picture in my head of what a person with these gifts was like and I was determined I would NEVER become that kind of a person.  It wasn't who I was."  It wasn't until two years ago, when I was out in Seattle with Ted that Ted said to me, "Maybe who you are becoming doesn't look like anybody you've ever seen."  Why don't you just take one day at a time and figure out with God what it should look like." 
It seems a simple thing to say, but it gave me the freedom to have this gift and still be me.  To see it as something that would manifest itself through who God had already made me to be.  Something that fit me.  That was a true expression of God in me.  Much like a work of art. 
So perhaps I've finally found my paintbrush. 
So there it is, Dad. 
This is who I am becoming.
And no it isn't a once in a life time occurance.  A woman who has blessed my life greatly came back into my path with difficult in her own journey.  I went to prayer for her and we met this week.  I was able to bless her with some words from the Lord as well.  They were confirmation and clarity to what the Lord had already been showing her.  And it was so wonderful to bless her in that way.  And we talked about what a good God He is to bless our lives with others in the body who can minister to us in this way. 
And here's the thing.  I have peace.  I have such gratitude toward God that He has brought me to this place.  And I am so thankful that He has taken me to His school to shape me into the minister He wants me to become.  I hope that I can continue to minister in a way that is deeply pleasing to my God, and of great help to those He calls me to.  And I hope to always speak to them in the voice of the Shepherd.
You know what?  I wouldn't trade it for an MDIV.