Friday, May 7, 2010

It's a Start

So I've asked my Dad to write with me.  He's a little insecure about this, certainly not because He's afraid to speak his mind, more because he's reluctant to write it.  So we'll see how this goes...mostly I'll probably post his entries for him, though I promise not to edit content (no matter how much I am tempted!) Hopefully he can learn soon how to navigate the blogging world on his own.
Maybe he'll get the hang of blogging and just take over.  Won't that be fun.
If you want to know a little bit more of what prompted me to ask him to do this, you have to read my comments under The Butterflies and that should explain. 
My intent is not to debate, though that may happen from time to time, rather it is to share our dialogue.  We welcome comments that are offered the spirit of dialogue and honest searching, though I do not promise answers or explanations.  And yes, I will, with my Dad, moderate them, especially if they draw away from the dialogue rather than enhance it.
I also wanted very much to encourage my Dad to put some of his stories in print.  I started to do some of that, and lost them.  So hopefully I can get him to use this as a means to do so.  His stories do not all directly relate to mine, but they certainly have helped to shape me.  
The first writing assignment I gave to my Dad was to tell his story of Sarah and the Apples.  I know you are all waiting with bated breath, so I'll tell him to step on it.  This hopefully will give me time to put some thoughts in writing about our butterfly dialogue.


Anonymous said...

Hello Becky,
Yes, your dad will be somewhat uncomfortable with this latest assignment. I have been in debates with you for over 30 years now. With others listening in on these conversations I will no doubt tone down things a bit. Hey, I was invited to speak at a couples dinner in three weeks on the topic of raising children. I am going to borrow a title "Parents and Kids:Same planet; Different Worlds. I have an idea I will have very up to date material for them. What do you think? Hey, I will get that story about grandpa and Sarah and the apples to you late tonight.
Telling a story is a whole lot different than writing one so don't have high expectations. Love you. Dad P.S. Google account didn't work. Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky,
We have to leave to go to Grandpa's
I think the google did not work because your dad did not sign up yet. We will do that when we get home. Hugs, Mom

Rebecca Grace said...

Teaching your parents to blog when you live on different continents...hmmmm.
It's worth it!

jean said...

Hey Dan, I look forward to your stories and insight! Enjoy the world of blogging and Becky have fun teaching him!
